Canadian horsemeat imports ‘should be banned’
The latest report by the EC’s Food and Veterinary Office (FVO) questioned the reliability of controls on horses slaughtered in Canada for export of horsemeat to the EU. It could not be guaranteed that horses – particularly those exported from the US – had not been treated with illegal substances during the six months before slaughter.
Humane Society International (HSI) EU executive director Dr Joanna Swabe said her organisation had repeatedly warned horsemeat entering the food chain from Canada does not fully meet EU safety standards.
‘Suspends all horsemeat imports’
“FVO audits have consistently identified serious problems with the lack of traceability of American and Canadian horses slaughtered for export to the EU, particularly regarding veterinary medical treatment records,” said Swabe. “It is high time that the Commission takes action and suspends all horsemeat imports from Canada.”
HIS Canada campaign manager Ewa Demianowicz highlighted the “blatant flaws of the cruel horse slaughter industry” that, she claimed, had been proven repeatedly.
“The horsemeat produced in Canada for human consumption poses serious health risks for consumers around the world, and Canadian Food Inspection Agency regulations cannot guarantee that Canadian horsemeat is compliant with EU food safety standards,” she said.
‘Failed to ban’
“It is appalling that the Canadian government has still failed to ban this practice, despite these risks and documented flaws.”
Similar traceability concerns led the EU to suspend imports of horsemeat from Mexico – particularly with respect to horses of US origin – in December 2014.
The HSI said a ban on Canadian imports should be extended to cover any other horsemeat-exporting country to the EU that does not comply fully with EU food safety requirements.
Meanwhile, food safety will take centre stage at the Food Manufacture Group’s one-day food safety conference at the Lowry, Manchester on Tuesday September 29.
Take advantage of the early bird discount rate – which ends on June 30 – here.
Horse sense?
- Since July 2010, the EU has required that the only horses allowed to be slaughtered for export within the union are those with a known lifetime medical treatment history and medicinal treatment records that show they have not been treated with banned substances and satisfy the veterinary medicine withdrawal periods.
- The latest FVO audit in Canada concluded it cannot be ensured that horses slaughtered in Canada for export to the EU have not been treated with substances, which are not permitted in the EU, in particular hormonal growth promoters.
- HSI recently submitted a petition to the European Parliament urging action to ensure the Commission moves to protect the health of EU consumers by suspending the import of horsemeat from non-EU countries that do not meet EU import requirements.
Source: HSI