Leicester snacks company creates 56 jobs

Universal Flexible Packaging (UFP) is investing £11M in a new snack factory in Lewisher Road, Leicester, which will create 56 jobs as it shifts production from its Lunsford Road facility.

A UFP spokeswoman told FoodManufacture.co.uk the new site would handle everything made at the previous facility. That would include the firm’s SnackBites branded popcorn, launched in 2010, plus popcorn and snack food processing and packaging for major retail and food brands.

The move would boost production capacity by about a third, from 20M to 30M packs a year and allow for further planned growth for the future, the company claimed.

Funding for the plant is supported by £5.15M worth of funding from Royal Bank of Scotland, £750,000 from Lombard Group and £700,000 from Leicester & Leicestershire Enterprise Partnership (LLEP). The Durrani family, who founded the business, are providing the rest.

Completed by summer 2015

UFP expects to finish work on the interior refit of the Lewisher Road factory, which at 11,148m2 is triple the size of the Lunsford Road plant, by summer 2015. It plans to sell off the other factory.

The company, established by Tinku Durrani in 1995 said the new plant represented its latest phase of investment, after significant organic growth in the past few years.

“As part of UFP’s plan for growth, we have been looking for suitable new premises for some time,” said UFP commercial director John Harrison.

‘Increase production capability’

“We were delighted to find and complete the deal on the property on Lewisher Road, which will enable us to further upgrade and increase our production capability across all product lines and to increase our dedicated space for popcorn production.

“Our business has been expanding throughout the recessionary years and we are well placed to grow our sales in flexible food packaging both within our current client base and for new clients around the UK.”

Kevin Harris of business advisor and accountancy firm PKF Cooper Parry, vice-chairman of the LLEP added: “The Regional Growth Fund (RGF) grant scheme is designed to help businesses to grow and to facilitate job creation, contributing to a wealthier local economy.

“The LLEP is delighted to have been able to support UFP’s ambitious growth plans through our £21M RGF grant programme.”