"Bars in Europe are increasing in demand as more consumers want convenient nutrition," said Kip Underwood, Solae sales director in Europe. "These new soya-based ingredients can work alone or in combination. Supro 430 and Supro Nugget 138 can give manufacturers a 'one-bag' solution for advancing nutrition bars while meeting consumer's taste expectations."
Supro 138 is a soya protein nugget composed of 40% protein and 30% fibre. It provides high-quality protein and both insoluble and soluble fibre in a textured form, versus liquid or powder. Solae says it remains crisp over time while also delivering on taste. It can also be used in snacks, bakery products and cereals.
Supro 430 is a soya protein isolate developed to replace more expensive dairy proteins in bars. It also works with dairy proteins. Solae says it can help reduce firmness in bars containing whey protein concentrate.
Contact: Solae