Help for developers that want to know the true measure of garlic
In recent years Chinese garlic has dominated the garlic market, being cheaper and milder than Spanish garlic. However, this influx has now been curtailed somewhat as the European Union has taxed the import of fresh Chinese garlic, which has increased the price.
But switching garlic supplies is not as straight forward as it might seem. Getting the desired flavour level from this often pungent and variable raw material can be complicated.
There are hundreds of different varieties of garlic each with a distinctive flavour and strength. Getting the right pungency in a processed finished product is crucial: overdo it and many consumers will be put-off; underplay it and it is money wasted.
Garlic, onion and chilli supplier Parripak Foods believes it can help. With the aid of a local university, Parripak is able to test both garlic and onions to check the level of pungency. This helps to ensure all year round consistency of product; it also takes out some of the subjectivity in deciding what garlic to use and when to use it.
Parripak uses mostly garlic from Spain, which it says is the best in terms of flavour and pungency. It can supply pureed, whole peeled, chopped, roasted and diced garlic for use in ready meals, pizzas, garlic bread, soup and ethnic foods.
Contact: Parripak Foods, Tel: 01462 813279