Waste pastry vacuumer is on a roll

Bakeries benefit from ultra-violet system that reduces mould growth and extends shelf-life

A pastry case processor in Northumberland has taken delivery of a vacuum system which allows continuous cleaning of the production line while operators are still working.

Installed by Dust Extraction (International), the system removes waste via a stainless steel pipework system with 20 spring loaded hose connections points.

Materials are separated from the conveying air stream, using a reverse jet filter separator which automatically cleans the filtration unit. The waste is then disposed of in a skip outside the factory walls. The unit is fitted with an explosion relief panel and a ladder with open mesh platforming and handrail, giving access to the filters.

Contact: Dust Extraction, Tel: 0113 236 1041

Radiation zaps air-borne bugs

BARO Technology has pioneered the use of air-disinfection in food production areas to ensure that products are not contaminated by micro-organisms circulating in factories.

The company produces units that suck air into a closed system and then use direct ultraviolet (UV) radiation, to kill up to 99.9% of micro-organisms, such as bacteria and fungi.

The radiation is UV light in the C range (254 nanometres) and the systems can either be integrated into the existing air- conditioning and ventilation equipment or installed as stand-alone units in a coldroom where mould growth is a problem.

The systems are currently being used by bakeries where products are particularly susceptible to air-borne contamination on leaving the oven and prior to packing, leading to mould growth.

BARO says its systems can increase the shelf-life of such products from five to six days to eight to 10 days. The system can also kill unwanted micro-organism, such as Listeria, in high care areas of meat factories.

The company has entered into discussion with a leading UK bread manufacturer and is also developing the technology to be used for killing germs in aircraft ventilation systems.

Contact: BARO Technology, Tel: 0161 777 9292