Heston Blumenthal

The Heston From Waitrose Ultimate Chocolate Bar frozen dessert sold particularly well over Christmas

Waitrose in ascendant in Christmas sales battle

By Rod Addy

Waitrose’s Heston sub-brand helped boost Christmas sales, claimed the retailer, which was the likely ‘clear winner’ among the supermarkets over the festive period according to one food industry analyst.

Cosser: 'This is a celebration of creativity and technology'

Processors can grab ideas from molecular gastronomy

By Rod Addy

Restaurant-inspired molecular gastronomy offers considerable potential for food manufacturers’ new product development (NPD), according to Stefan Cosser, head of innovation at consultancy Food Innovation Solutions (FIS).

Heston Blumenthal has helped to popularise the use of liquid nitrogen in food preparation

Food safety watchdog warns of liquid nitrogen dangers

By Mike Stones

The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has warned consumers to beware food and drink containing liquid nitrogen, following emergency surgery to remove the stomach of a teenager who allegedly drank an alcoholic cocktail containing the chemical.

When science and food gel

When science and food gel

By Susan Birks

Gums, starches and all manner of gelling agents can help manufacturers meet key convenience and indulgence trends as well as cut costs. Susan Birks reports on new product ideas to be had from tweaking food textures