Many food processors will be surprised to learn that contamination of products can result from the use of thermal fluids that are not of food-grade quality, should it come into contact with the food.
Energy audits required by the EU’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) can help food manufacturers with more than energy savings, explains Golder Associates’ Ruth Fain and Dave Mercer.
Food manufacturers could slash processing costs following breakthroughs in steam infusion technology that enable food to be heated at least three times faster than previous steam techniques.
An odour abatement project involving the design, construction, erection and commissioning of a regenerative thermal oxidiser has been completed at Moy Park’s poultry processing facility at Grantham in Lincolnshire to ensure the company remains on good...
A new thermal fluid heating system has been installed at Bernard Matthews’ poultry processing plant in Norfolk by boiler specialist Babcock Wanson. It makes use of an EPC1000ES fully automatic coil type unit as the main heater for the processor's...
A major chocolate snack manufacturer has moved away from steam boilers in favour of a new heating system for temperature trending and recipe control. ICS Cool Energy supplied T90 non-pressurised water heaters to support the task of chocolate tempering,...
ICS Temperature Control has launched a thermoregulator and temperature controller range with an ingress protection (IP) rating of IP65. Featuring the latest touchscreen technology, the C7 Advanced Controller offers recipe control, temperature, flow and...
Two firms have been ordered to pay nearly £75,500 each after a worker was fatally injured when he drove a scissor lift extendable platform into an unprotected pit in a food factory floor.
Linde Gases has launched a new high-capacity compact cryogenic spiral freezer designed to boost frozen food productivity, reduce the amount of liquid nitrogen used in the freezing process and lower maintenance and sanitation costs.
Novel technology that uses air instead of gallons of water and cleaning agents to clean process pipe work has been commissioned at the new Glenmorangie whisky bottling plant in Livingston.
Star Refrigeration’s energy-saving ammonia heat pump system has won the Industrial and Commercial Project of the Year title at the 2010 RAC Cooling Industry Awards.
The next generation of novel processing technologies from pulsed electric fields to ozone processing could prove to be far more promising than the first as scientists tackle the issues that have historically them back, Campden BRI's Craig Leadley...
Seymour Manufacturing says its Tempro Back-Stop curtain is the first insulated cold stop device designed to save energy loss from the back of a chilled or frozen vehicle. The curtain is available for new trailers or trucks, or can be retrofitted to existing...
There has been a resurgence of interest in ohmic heating – a novel food sterilising technique that came to the fore in the 1980s – following refinements to the technology that have improved efficiency and reduced costs, according to Campden BRI.
Rentokil has launched a groundbreaking chemical-free bug killing system for food processors that drastically cuts the production downtime involved in...
A steel band travelling oven that consumes up to 45% less electrical power than its rival systems is being hailed by its Danish maker as a major step...
Heinz is adding a new 'Snap Pots' format to its Beanz and Pasta ranges to cater for consumers who want a quicker way to prepare a light snack.Similar...
Thermal oil systems are often used to heat ingredients, working between 140-310°C. But over time the oil tends to oxidise and it produces sludge - a...
A wide variety of brat pans, kettles and other specialist cookers are manufactured by BPT Skerman at its site at the former Brooklands racing circuit...